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What Happens When You Sleep

What Happens When You Sleep

Nov 25th 2020

Did you know that sleep accounts for one-quarter to one-third of the human lifespan? Sleep seems so peaceful, but what is truly happening while you sleep?

While you’re snoozing away every night your body tends to do some pretty interesting things, but don’t let that scare you because it is normal and in fact varies from person to person depending on their age, activity level and sleep conditions.

Body Temperature Drops

Right before you close your eyes and fall asleep, your core temperature will begin to decrease. The drop in your temperature will signal to your brain to release melatonin, which affects your sleep/wake cycle and let’s your body know it’s time to shut down. Your body’s temperature will reach its lowest point a few hours before you wake up and will help you wake up easier in the mornings.

Weight Loss

Standing on the scale first thing in the morning is exactly what you want to do. Getting on the scale at night before bed isn’t going to be accurate due to whatever you consumed that day. If you’re up late at night and not getting enough sleep, this could be something that is affecting your weight loss routine. Sleep is vital and allows you to lose water through perspiring and breathing out humid air during the night.

Skin Improvement

Some of your glands work extra hard at night to secrete hormones that are used during your sleep and when you are awake. When you’re asleep your pineal gland releases melatonin which is an important hormone for sleep. When you’re falling asleep your cortisol levels drop and then rise again right before you wake up.

Eye Twitching

While the muscles of your body are paralyzed during slumber, your eyes continue to move during a type of sleep called REM sleep which is when we are actively dreaming. And not just a little bit–these eye movements, also known as saccades, are the fastest movements produced by the human body, reaching angular speeds of 900 degrees per second. Why the eyes move during REM sleep is not entirely known. Some studies reveal that our eyes are following images in our dreams.

Paralyzed Muscles

Most people take falling asleep in the same place for granted but there is a neurological reason behind why we do not move much in our sleep. During sleep, the body’s muscles are essentially paralyzed because during REM sleep our frontal cortex is more or less shut off.

It is incredible the things that happen to our bodies while we are catching on Z’s. Along with getting those desired 7-8 hours of sleep, it is important to think about the quality of your mattress. Are you as comfortable as possible or it is time for an upgrade? Afloat mattresses are designed to work with your body to hug you in all the right spots for the best sleep of your life! With a range of options, we are sure you’ll find the right fit for you.


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